The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), established in 2005, is ASEAN’s response to the challenge of biodiversity loss. It is an intergovernmental organisation that facilitates cooperation and coordination among the ten ASEAN Member States (AMS) and with regional and international organisations on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of such natural treasures.

ACB’s beginnings date back to 1998 when the ten AMS established the ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity (ARCBC) Project with funding support from the European Union. The project was implemented with two key objectives:

a) intensify biodiversity conservation and;
b) promote institutional networking among ASEAN countries and between ASEAN and European Union partner organisations.

The outcome of the ARCBC Project was viewed as a productive flagship project. Prior to the project’s ending, the Environmental Ministers of ASEAN found the need to create an institution that would sustain the gains of the ARCBC Project. In 2005, the Environmental Ministers of ASEAN agreed to establish ACB.

The Establishment Agreement of ACB was ratified by the 10 AMS: Brunei Darussalam (19 May 2008), Cambodia (26 February 2016),  Indonesia (18 December 2017), Lao PDR (2 October 2008), Malaysia (29 April 2013), Myanmar (8 July 2009), Philippines (14 July 2006), Singapore (28 October 2008), Thailand (19 February 2013), and Viet Nam (31 October 2006). The Host Country Agreement between ACB and the Philippines was ratified on 01 September 2006 and concurred by Philippine Senate on 14 September 2009.


Biodiversity in the ASEAN region is valued, conserved, sustainably managed, and the benefits derived from the use of thereof are equitably shared


To catalyse and scale up efforts on biodiversity valuation, conservation, sustainable management, and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use thereof in the ASEAN Region

Our Goals

  • Science-based decision-making and policymaking on biodiversity are supported and promoted
  • The capacity of ASEAN to value, conserve, sustainably use, and manage biodiversity, and equitably share its benefits is improved
  • Biodiversity considerations into the development processes of the ASEAN are mainstreamed
  • Common understanding on biodiversity-related policies among the ASEAN Member States is fostered
  • The sustainability of the ACB as a regional intergovernmental organisation and centre of excellence for biodiversity in the ASEAN is realised and ensured