Facilitate the users to view their bank account details and access other essential features from the user profile page only

Facilitate the users to view their bank account details and access other essential features from the user profile page only

While developing a personal loan app, your app should allow the users to complete every critical loan application step directly by using their mobile device.

To make the user experience better, you can break down your app process into various small sections and guide your users through the entire process.

Besides, your app needs to allow your users to view their transactions’ logs. It includes cash advances received, loan payments made, remaining debt, and direct deposit history. All such details should be easy to find and understand.

Your app can allow the borrowers to pay back their loan balance directly using your app. There are a plethora of payment options available in the market. The more you integrate into your app, the more consumers are likely to use your app.

Peer-to-Peer lending: advantages and disadvantages

personal loans secured vs unsecured

Allow your users to make payments using their debit card, credit card, bank account, and alternative payment mode, such as Bitcoin.

A key feature of the mobile experience is push notifications. Notification can assist in making the user remind about the upcoming payments, loan approval, and much more.

The app users expect receiving push notifications. So, you need to include it in your P2P money lending app to let your user be well-informed about the vital information.

Both the users and admins can get benefit from real-time analytics. Investors can evaluate the KYC details of the potential borrowers and assess their credit history. Additionally, admins can get detailed analytics on many aspects of platform operations, using AI and big data in money lending to attain actionable insights and enhance user experience. Read more